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Who am I?

My Story


Welcome to my page! My name is Ma'ayan, I am both American and Israeli living in Jerusalem! I am a licensed professional Massage Therapist since 2019. I studied a variety of different massages at Reidman Collage for Holistic Medicine in Jerusalem.


I first became interested in massage therapy after receiving a life changing massage for $10 in a mall. I had gone to return a dress I had bought, and I was having a really bad day. On my way out, I walked past a massage parlor, and a sign that said "Relax" caught my eye. I had received very few massages before, so this was definitely a treat for myself. An Asian lady that spoke very little english, touched my shoulders and immediately gasped. She truly felt my pain; not only in my back, but in my mind as well. She insisted on giving me a full hour massage free of charge. Time and money no longer mattered to her. She had truly felt my inner pain, and made it her mission to help me relax and think positively. I walked out of there looking at the world in a whole new light. Is it really possible to help heal someones mind, body and sole all at once only with hands? This idea quickly fascinated me. Once I got back to the hotel I had a vision of myself as a massage therapist, helping to heal others. Within a few hours, and a few phone calls, I had signed up for massage school! Turns out the school was right around the corner from my apartment, and the course was starting in a month. Some things are just meant to be. I am so overjoyed and thankful everyday that I have the hands and the knowledge to help others just as i was helped. 


About Me: About
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